1. How can I meet the Lt. Governor?Scheduled Appointments
Step 1: Request for an appointment
As per procedure, meeting with the Lt. Governor is through scheduled appointments for which persons/ organization seeking appointments will have to make a formal request to the ADC to the Lt. Governor or the Private Secretary to the Lt. Governor.
Step 2: Wait for confirmation
The persons/organisation seeking appointments will be informed through mail / phone about the date and time of the appointment. Lt. Governor schedules the appointments on all week days. 2. How do I lodge a grievance?
Anyone who wants to lodge their complaints online at Public Grievance link available in the official web site of Raj Nivas. Also can lodge in writing and hand it over to the Despatch and Receipt Section of the Raj Nivas. And can send your grievances at lg[at]py[dot]gov[dot]in. 3. When can I visit Raj Nivas?
For long, Raj Nivas was open on Independence Day, De Jure Day and Republic Day.